Power: Energy: Prestige Points:
HP: Spend 20% Spend 50% Spend All
ATK: Spend 20% Spend 50% Spend All
DEF: Spend 20% Spend 50% Spend All
LUK: Spend 20% Spend 50% Spend All
Stat Points:

Battle Equipments Prestige Save Buy me a coffee in Ko-Fi.com (Donate me) 中文版
Welcome to "Lots of Equipments RPG" by loader3229! This is a game similar to Incremental RPG, and enemies in this game can drop lots of equipments at once!
Also, you don't lose energy when you lose a battle.
Version: 1.2.4
Endgame: Reach Floor 2200 in the Tower
The translation to English is not finished, and my English is poor. Sorry.